Fill out the Financial Survey

Help us help you

Union College offers great scholarships to help pay for college and we want to give you the most accurate financial plan—including any government aid you qualify for. Here's what you need to do:

Fill out the Free Application or Federal Student Aid—This will allow us to know how much federal aid and Union College need-based aid you qualify for. Fill it out at

Fill out the Union College Financial Questionnaire—this will give us the rest of the info we need to give you an accurate financial plan for the school year.

  • Log on to the Union College portal at (Note: You'll need your UC-ID. It was sent to you after you were first accepted to Union).
  • Click on My Financial Aid (Piggy Bank)
  • In the menu, select "Financial Questionnaire."

If you have questions, contact the Student Financial Services office at or 402.486.2505